

Freshmen Urged To Take Advantage of Free Measles Preventive--Food at Union Exonerated

In a statement to the CRIMSON yesterday, Dr. Paul H. Means '17, the Medical Adviser, announced that the Hygiene Department has a supply of placental extract on hand for inoculation against measles. This extract is a human preparation, so that there is no serum reaction, the only noticeable effect being a slight soreness of the arm. The extract, which is rich in anti-bodies, will prevent the disease if administered within four days after exposure, and will materially weaken the attack if given within six days.

Inasmuch as the epidemic is centered in the Freshman class, Dr. Means urged that all Freshmen who have not had the measles have themselves inoculated. All who wish to have this done should come to the Hygiene Building between 10 and 11 o'clock, or between 3.30 and 4.30 o'clock as soon as possible. There will be no charge for the inoculation.

Two more cases of measles, and three suspected cases were reported yesterday, all of these from the Freshman class. Dr. Means announced that an investigation into the food conditions at the Union had conclusively shown that they were not to blame for the appearance of the disease within the College.
