Bernard Shaw's publishers have concluded arrangements whereby the English and American additions of all his future works will be issued simultaneously in the two countries. The current Shaw volume in a book of three plays, comprising "Too True to Be Good". "Village Wooing", and "On the Rocks", the last being the season's success at the Winter Garden Theatre in London.
Having finished his new book, an introduction tot he Jews entitled "How Odd of God", Lewis Browne has left the proof reading to his publishers and gone off to the South Seas to forget all about the "Jewish problem". I want to go some place", he writes, "Where no one wears brown shirts, or silver ones, or indeed any shirts at all." He expects to spend several weeks cruising in Polynesia, and will return in time to keep a series of lecture engagements in the last of April.
From the publishers comes word that John Dewey's "Art as Experience", which will be issued next week, successfully breaks down the barriers that have been built up separating the aesthetic from other interests in life, and that its strongest appeal, in their opinion, lies in its treatment of art as a normal mode of experience.
H. L. Mencken is now enjoying a vacation cruise about Europe. On his return to the United States early in April he will publish his new book "Treatise on Right and Worng". This is a study of man's moral and ethical ideas since the dawn of history. No part of it has heretofore been published in magazines or newspapers.
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