
Former Lecturer Contests Extradition to Germany

Dr. Normano, at Harvard Last Year, Suspected as Absconder

Another step was made this weekend by Dr. Joao Fradrico Normano, former lecturer on economics at Harvard, and associate director of the Burean of Economic research in South America, in his fight against extradition to "Germany to stand trial for a $750,000 swindle.

Dr. Normano, who came to Harvard last year as a visiting lecturer, was arrested in Cambridge on January 5, 1933 at the instigation of Baron von Tippleskirch, the German Consul. Hitler authorities claim he is Dr. Isaak Lewin, German banker who absconded in 1929, and was traced to South America. He was arrested in Brazil, but was discharged before the extradition papers were received from Germany.

Last Thursday he was granted a hearing on May 1, of his petition for discharge on the grounds that he will not receive a fair trial in Germany because of his Jewish faith.
