
In the Graduate Schools

Business School Team Downed by Law III in Final Tilt of Season

Law III emerges from the race as the Graduate School Basketball Champion, the final standings, released yesterday, reveal. The season, which ended Thursday, with Law II's 47 to 22 victory over the fighting Business School team, was dominated by the undefeated champions, and their follows from the Law School, the Law II aggregation, which only lost one game. The Medical School basketeers nosed out the Arts and Sciences five for third place, and last place goes to the Dental School team with five defeats and not a single victory. The Law III team, without their captain, Bob Leach, succeeded in winning the championship handily and also defeating the Junior Varsity. They were never headed during the entire season, and won their game with the element rival, Law II, easily, with Glick leading the scoring as he did in many of the previous games.

The standing in the League is as follows:   W  L Law III  5  0 Law II  4  1 Medical  3  2 Arts and Sciences  2  3 Business  2  3 Dental  0  5
