
The Crimson Playgoer

R. K. O. Keith's

Will Rogers in "David Harum" is announced as the next film feature for R. K. O. Keith's commencing Saturday. The screen play, following closely the typically American theme of the novel, concerns itself with the life of a shrewd and ruthless horse-trader. His dealings with the people in the small town in which he lives are cold-hearted and unethical. But a young man who is employed as a teller in his bank learns of his concealed sympathy for the poor, and realizes that underneath a hard crust he really has a soft heart. Because of his poor financial standing, the boy hesitates to propose marriage to a wealthy girl with whom he is deeply in love. Upon the advice of the horse trader, the young man places all his money on a horse the girl has entered in a race. The film comes to a happy and amusing conclusion as the horse-trader uses his own hilarious method to bring the horse across the line a winner. Will Rogers' supporting cast includes Louise Dresser, Evelyn Venable, Kent Taylor and Stepin Fetchit.
