
The Crimson Bookshelf

Book Notes

Two new plays, THE SHINING HOUR by Keith Winter, the dramatic success which noel Coward is sponsoring on Broadway, and MASTER OF THE REVELS by Don Marquis, will be published on March 21st. Mr. Winter is the young novelist whose RATS OF NORWAY won high praise both in England and America.

Donn Marquis's MASTER OF THE REVELS has not been produced in the theatre. It is in reality a novel in play form. For twenty years Mr. Marquis has been intending to write a book about HENRY VIII. He has always had a certain amount of symphony for "that ribald, disreputable old hellion."

"'Wolsey,' argued Henry, 'You'd think the queen would feel frightened, wouldn't you? I would do her a service if I divorced her! It would save her soul! It would wake her from sin! By God's nails, Wolsey, if she were as religious as I she would 'a' seen it herself!'" Don Marquis makes the bawdy, likeable, blundering king whose amours changed the history of Europe, a human and understandable figure. And the style has the same joyous satirical fillip that made Mohitabel America's favorite gay lady.
