First definite steps in the reorganization of the Harvard Memorial Society, famed in the past as one of the University's leading organizations, and now being revived by officials and students of Harvard to act as a major factor in the tercentenary celebration were taken yesterday evening t a meeting in the Union when officers and committees were chosen. Herbert Milton Irwin, Jr. '37, of Port Washington, Long Island, was elected president; Harvey McClary Dawson '37, of Washington, D.C., vice-president; James Brewster Hallett '37, of Denver, Colorado, secretary; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. '37, of Washington, D.C., treasurer. Three councillors-at-large, Herbert B. Nichols '32, John H. Morison '35, and William A. Wright '37, were also elected.
The new constitution of the society was presented to the members, and accepted after some small changes. The essentials of this constitution are that the society shall continue to pursue its former policy of "fostering among students interest in the historical associations of Harvard and perpetuating the traditions of her past; and that the active members shall be elected from members of the University and the graduate members shall be elected from the officers and graduates of the University. The society hopes to keep its membership from becoming too exclusive and to make it open to all men really interested in Harvard history. In pursuance of this policy, all members of the University interested in joining the Memorial Society are to be invited to the next meeting to be held Wednesday, April 11.
The other members of the society are: Samuel Adams '37, E. A. Barnes '37, D. E. Burbank '37, R. L. McEldowney '37, R. Dana Gibson '37, E. H. H. Jasen '37, Andrew T. Nelson '37, H. M. Pitman '37, J. M. Pobirs '37, Wheeler Sammons, Jr. '37, J. W. Whittlesey '37, and C. C. Wright '37.
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