
"Rio Grande" To Be Given By Rabbit Lads and Maids

Affelder Will Be Leading Lady In Bold Drama of Army Life

Plans for the presentation of "Rio Grande" by Charles F. Townsend at Leverett House on Tuesday, March 20, are well under way, and the cast of characters has been chosen. Chaste maidens, bad villains, and languishing beauties will be on the stage in this drama which tells of army life in New Mexico in the early eighties. Nixon deTarnowsky '35, a veteran of a similar play given last year, will take the part of a love-lorn maiden, Retta; the villain will be acted by Milton I. Byer '35, who is known as a very wicked man from former roles which he has filled; the leading lady, Sophia, will be portrayed by Lewis J. Affelder '36.

The rest of the cast are as follows: Judge Biggs will be played by George V. Goulder '36; Mrs. Biggs by George P. Winship, Jr. '36; Corporal Casey by Jay G. Rice '35; Colonel Lawton by John S. Howe '36; Captain Paul Wybert by Robert G. Reed '36; Mamie by Joseph D. Fisher '35; and Johnnie Bangs by William G. Cahan '35.

The play is being directed by Perry G. E. Miller, tutor in History and Literature, and will be given in the Leverett House dining room. Any members of the University are invited to attend and bring their guests.

The staging is being handled by Willard C. Jones 4E.S., Harold E. Jahn '36, Harry P. Goldsmith '36, Rex W. Allen '36, and Arthur R. Humphries 1G.
