Mary Mitchell's A WARNING TO WANTONS is the story of a demurely high-handed, modern minx who got what she deserved--and liked it. Rene de la Valliere began by toying decorously with her mother's lovers. Count Kardak was a wise and charming old sybarite who should have known better. In fact he did, but how could he resist the idea of inviting Renee to his remote little principality for the wedding of his earnest, dull and handsome heir, Max, to the buxom girl scout duchess of the neighboring principality? In the ensuing battle of wits with wits and with with brawn, Count Anton looked on helplessly at some amazing situations.
On March 9 Minton, Balch & Company brought out THE YELLOW BRIAR, by Patrick Slater, an auto-biographical novel with the Ontario countryside as a background. The author and his mother came over from Ireland during the potato famine and settled in Toronto when it was a booming frontier town. While there, he saw its public hangings and followed the plague cart which took his mother's dead body away. Later he went to the bush lands of upper Canada and became a part of the life of those stout-hearted Irish homesteaders.
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