In three intramural contests with Yale over the week-end, Harvard won in basketball and squash, but was defeated by the Eli swimmers.
Lowell Cagers Defeat Saybrook
Annexing the Harvard-Yale intramural basketball crown yesterday, Lowell barely eked out a 24-23 victory over Saybrook College. Walsh was the individual star of the game, tallying nine points, while Ellis was high-scorer for the Elis.
Score: Lowell 24, Saybrook 23. Goals: Ellis 4, Walsh 4, Bates 3, Philips 2, S. W. Stern 2, Symmes 2, Drimmer 1, Nottingham 1, Pfeiffer 1, Pinkham 1, Towne 1. Fouls: Coles 1, Graff 1, Walsh 1.
Kirkland Wins in Squash
Exhibiting fine consisting playing, the Kirkland House Squash Team routed the aggregation from Calhoun College of Yale by the score of 5-0. The match was held on the Kirkland courts Saturday afternoon. The Kirkland team had previously won the right to represent Harvard in this contest by winning the A League championship.
The summary:
Bertrand Fox 5G (K) defeated Bissel (Y) 3-0; John L. Clark '36 (K) defeated Harrington (Y) 3-2; Alden H. Bryan '35 (K) defeated Ryan (Y) 3-0; Clifford Mannal '35 (K) defeated Bauman (Y) 3-1; Thomas A. Meade '34 (K) defeated Aymar (Y) 3-2.
Saybrook Sinks Adams, 34-28
In a close meet which was not decided until the last race, the Adams House swimming team was defeated Saturday by Saybrook College of Yale, 34 to 28. Captain Colgate starred for the Blue with 11 points.
The summary:
50-yard free style--Won by Paul D. O'Brien '36; second, William R. Timken 1GB; third, Hopkins (Y). Time: 27 1-5.
220-yard free style--Won by Colgate (Y); second, Edwin I. Brainard '35; third, Angell (Y). Time: 2 min. 50 3-5 sec.
Dive--Won by Charles L. Whipple '35; second, Colgate (Y); third, Freiberg (Y).
100-yard free style--Won by Ferguson (Y); second, Colgate (Y); third, O'Brien. Time: 58 4-5.
100-yard breaststroke--Won by Charles N. Breed '36; second Stricker (Y); third, Pickett (Y). Time: 1 min. 16 1-5 sec.
200-yard relay--Won by Saybrook College, Freiberg, Stricker, Hopkins, and Ferguson. Time: 1 min. 47 1-5 sec.
The summary:
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