

One of our better publicized House Masters was winding up what had apparently been a rather violent argument with a strange chauffeur as we passed by the other day. With a parting fling, the Master shoved his pipe between his teeth and stomped off toward his Lodgings. The chauffeur turned to a snow shoveller nearby and inquired, "Who's that guy?" "Hum? Oh, he's the boss," the shoveller replied. The chauffeur eyed the retreating figure of the Master resentfully, and seemed to be weighing something in his mind. Then he turned to the shoveller again: "I'll bet you a hundred dollars that guy's no good."

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In deciding what to do about the degree cum laude in general studies, the faculty was faced with the alternatives of changing the requirements for the degree or leaving the requirements the same and changing the name to something besides "cum laude." In the course of the discussion, one resourceful professor hit upon the idea of making it a degree "with distinction" Instead of with the customary honors. The solution seemed to please everyone. Just as it was on the verge of being voted on, a classicist Interposed an objection. "You've got to translate it into Latin," he pointed out, "and when you translate 'with distinction' it becomes 'cum laude'." The faculty gave it up and decided to leave the name but change the requirements.
