

Urgent Request Made for Retirement Of Pledges--All Income from Now On Will Go Towards 1934-35 Aids

Officially confirming the inauguration of a policy unprecedented in its history, the Student Council voted in effect last night to appropriate $1800 of the 1933-34 general receipts for the immediate establishment and maintenance of a variable number of scholarships and aids for members of the three upper classes, to be awarded on the basis of "scholarship, character, and good citizenship." The outstanding features of the awards are that they will be made upon the basis of extracurricular activity as well as academic accomplishment, and that Dean's List standing will not be an absolute prerequisite for them.

$800 Awarded This Year

$800 of the total appropriation will be awarded during the current academic year, and the remainder during 1934-35. Thereafter, the balance of receipts over expenditures for each academic year will be appropriated for scholarships and aids on September 1 of the following year.

Although the Council's cash balance available for appropriation to scholarships and aids as of September 1, 1934 will be approximately $1000 if no receipts are forthcoming between now and then, every cent received by the Council from now on will be used to augment the scholarship and aid account for 1934-35. Accordingly, officers of the Student Council have issued a request for the retirement of all pledges still outstanding.
