With a preliminary meeting Monday night in the President's office at 14 Plympton Street the CRIMSON will open its second competition for Freshmen and Sophomores. The News, Business, and Photographic competitions will be open to members of the Class of 1937, while the Editorial competition is open only to Sophomores.
The News Competition
The work of the candidate for the News Board is varied and interesting. During the eight weeks which the competition lasts the man who is trying out for the board will have the chance to meet men and women in the public eye, interview them and write stories on their opinions on world affairs, college life and the innumerable other things which prominent people have to say to the press. Intimate life with the working of the University and close contacts with those who direct the work of the institution make up some of the most interesting parts of the work of the news man. When he hands in his work in the evening it is criticized by competent editors who have had long experience in writing stories and the editing of them. Their criticism is both valuable and constructive and the candidate will learn from them what the CRIMSON form and policy is on press writing.
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