
Josephy Begins Fight To Oust Senator Huey Long

100 College Liberal Clubs Asked To Demand Long's Removal

"Don't ever give up your contempt for Harvard 'babies'; but when the rattles start sounding from Arizona, Montana, Texas, Florida, and other parts of the country, think of us Harvard 'babies'," said Alvin M. Josephy '36, in a letter he sent yesterday afternoon to United States Senator Huey P. Long. This was the first shot in a nation-wide campaign to unseat the gentleman from Louisiana. A small group of students met yesterday to form a plan of attack, and as a result, a letter was sent to 100 American universities. Liberal-minded students were urged to sent "letters or telegrams to the Senate Committee on Elections and Privileges in Washington, protesting in the name of intelligent American youth against the toleration accorded Long by the Senate and asking for an immediate and fair investigation of all charges brought against Long by the people."

Josephy related his interview with Long last December, and explained his reasons for desiring to unseat a man whom he believes is a disgrace to the governing body that once contained the names of Clay, Calhoun, and Webster.
