
Complete Ignorance of Penology Is Admitted by Investigator of Norfolk Prison Administration

Hurley Declines To Comment on His Charges Against Gill and New Penal Plan

"I don't know much about penology," declared State Auditor Francis X. Hurley '24, yesterday in a CRIMSON interview. "I don't claim to know anything about it. I'm a lawyer." Questioned concerning his opinion of Mr. Gill's administration at Norfolk, he declined to comment, saying that he would present all the facts in the case in his report, but that he did not intend to interpret these facts. He stated that it was against his wishes that his investigation of the Norfolk Prison Colony burst into print recently, and that its extensive publicity was due to the avidity of news-hungry reporters. When asked why he had issued his lengthy statement warning against interference with the investigation the day after Henry A. Murray '16, Assistant Professor of Psychology scored the "pack of hounds" who were attacking Mr. Gill, Mr. Hurley said "Just to save my reputation. It would be terrible to have these attacks repeated." Queried concerning his remarks about the "unfrocked minister" who had been an officer at Norfolk, Mr. Hurley admitted he had no particular objection to unfrocked ministers as such. This was the only one he knew of in his life.

When queried concerning the nature of the record which Mr. Gill changed, and which has been a focusing point for attacks on him, Mr. Hurley stated that he supposed that it was an institutional record of the inmate's activities, but that he was not sure of its function. When asked whether Mr. Gill did not have a complete right to alter it at his pleasure, he said "That's entirely a matter of personal opinion. To my knowledge it is the only institutional record a man has down there. It is entirely possible that Mr. Gill may have some satisfactory explanation. The record is probably not planation. The record is probably not required. There is no statute covering this form of record to my knowledge."
