Announcement was made yesterday by University Hall that the Temporary Student Employment Plan which has been in operation since the fall of 1932 will be continued during 1934-35 and that an appropriation of $40,000 for this purpose has come from within the University.
The action of the University in this matter came unexpectedly although it had been known that the continuation of the arrangement has been under serious consideration for some time. The money to provide undergraduates with jobs within the University came originally from Dining Hall profits and when it was made known last fall that it was unlikely that the Dining Hall would be able to show a surplus for the coming year, it was considered by officials as improbable that the plan could continue.
The exact source of the money which will make the continuation possible has not been definitely decided upon and will not be determined until the end of the present year. Prospects have been brighter for the past few months but it was expected that no decision would be made until spring. Rumors that President Conant was going to seek the money outside of the University were spiked by the announcement yesterday.
Questionnaries were sent out at the beginning of the week to men who had been employed under the plan, to find out the value and detriment of the jobs and the results of the survey will be used in compiling the report by Russell T. Sharpe '28. Last year only statements from employers were used but this year it was considered advisable to get an opinion from the employees. No fundamental changes in the Plan are contemplated but there may, however, be certain minor adjustments based on the material secured in the questionnaires. Announcement will be made later concerning the method of applying for jobs.
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