"A war between Soviet Russia and Japan in the near future, not a European war, is what the world need fear," declared Sir Herbert Ames, former Treasurer of the League of Nations, when interviewed by the CRIMSON. "A war confined to Europe alone will not occur for several years, but when it does come, it will start over Austria.
"Germany is not prepared to fight; she has willing cannon fodder, but no tanks or heavy guns, and the possibility of a war between her and Poland is remote, because of the ten-year non-aggression pact recently concluded by the two nations.
"What Germany wants are certain concessions which in the opinion of many people today cannot be obtained without war. She gave notice of her intention to resign from the League as a bluff to gain some of these concessions, but it is not certain that the bluff has failed. The concessions she wants are equality of armaments, either by Allied disarmament or by permission to rearm; the Saar Basin, the Polish Corridor, her former colonies and the Anschluss with Austria. If armament equality were conceded her, and the Nazis rose to power in Austria without so much outside aid as to precipitate a general European war, and the Saar reverted to her in 1935 as it is certain to do, Germany might forego her other demands and disappear as a cause of European nervousness for some years.
"If the German problem is satisfactorily solved and prosperity returns, the growth of nationalism may be arrested, as nationalism is largely a result of the economic depression. If this happens it is possible that the League of Nations may again command the widespread support it enjoyed in 1925.
"On the other hand, if the depression deepens and the European crisis becomes still more acute, the League may be reduced to a group consisting of France. Poland and the Little Entente whose main object will be to preserve infect the Treaty of Versailles."
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