
Lowes Chosen as New Financial Vice-President To Help Conant

Incumbent of New Office Was Former Deputy Treasurer and Financial Assistant

In order that President Conant might be able to devote his time more exclusively to the execution of his academic responsibilities the Corporation has created the new office of Financial Vice-President and has appointed John Wilbur Lowes '17 to fill the newly-created post.

To the new office which has just been inaugurated, President Conant will turn over the "general oversight of all administrative matters of a financial nature." It is expected that this removal of duties from the President's office will leave him free to spend his time solely with the academic reorganization of the University.

Was Deputy Treasurer

Lowes has filled the office of Deputy Treasurer of the University since 1929 and has been Financial Assistant to the President since the autumn of 1933 and his appointment to the new office by the Corporation was ratified by the Board of Overseers at the meeting yesterday. He will resign the offices which he has previously occupied and as yet no successor to these positions has been announced. Lowes is the son of John Livingston Lowes, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of English Literature, and during the War he served in the American Ambulance Field Service and the Royal Flying Corps.

From 1924 to 1927, Lowes was Business Manager of Radcliffe College and Treasurer from 1927 to 1930. In 1929 he was appointed Deputy Treasurer of Harvard College serving as assistant to Henry Lee Shattuck '01 who was appointed Treasurer in the same year.


Although it has been rumored for some time that there was to be a change in the financial administration, the news of the creation of the new office came as a surprise move on the part of the Corporation. When reached last night after the announcement of his appointment, Lowes refused to issue any statement. In the announcement no mention was made of the specific duties of the incumbent, but it was felt that the office will carry strong advisory powers.
