

In suggesting the endowment or immediate sale of the Varsity crew quarters at Red Top last week, Mr. Bingham intimated that if it were necessary to sell these buildings that the Varsity squad would be housed in the present Freshman quarters. In this case the Freshman race would be rowed in Cambridge. Although Mr. Bingham expects in this manner to be able to finance the annual $3000 overhead charges for the remaining equipment, it is totally unjustified in these times to spend even this amount on an unnecessary three weeks training period for two dozen men.

A plan which will obviate all necessity for such an intensive training is simply to cut out the four-mile race and substitute for it a two-mile race. By cutting down on the distance it will be possible for the crews to complete their training in Cambridge, leaving for the Thames only in time for one or two workouts before the race. Not only will it no longer be necessary to schedule the race so late in June, but all the expense of special quarters, waiters, boathouses, and launches will be done away with. The receipts received from the observation trains, moreover, would in no way be affected by this change. It is to be sure, a change which will deprive spectators of approximately ten minutes of hilarity, but it is one which the Athletic Association can well afford to make at this time.
