

A comely brunette waitress this week resigned her position in the Union Dining Hall, after Miss Florence Murray, headwaitress had required her to take the curls out of her hair, because she looked "too much like a Hula-Hula girl." It is interesting to know that before every meal each of the waitresses in the Union must pass in review and execute an about-face in front of Miss Murray. Any traces of powder, rouge or lipstick call for serious rebuke. Little wonder that many of the waitresses resort to the Tent and Normandie ballrooms for relief. Well, despite our old-fashioned regulations, perhaps the situation down at Yale is worse. There no waitresses under 25 years of age are hired.

Roger Bigelow Merriman, Professor of History and Master of Eliot House, received nine Valentines last Wednesday, in the form of telegrams collect from members of his History 1 course. Eventually, after paying for and reading eight of the billets-doux, the Professor became suspicious, and refused to accept the ninth message.
