
Ski Team Will Hold Races on Mt. Washington Sunday Noon

First Class Open Only to Team, Second To All Undergraduates

All undergraduates of Harvard who desire to try their skill as skiers in actual competition will have a chance in the University Championship Downhill Race which will be held over the Katzensteig trail behind Glen House at Mount Washington at noon on Sunday, February 25. There will be two classes, the first of which will be open to all members of the Ski Team. The B class will be open to all contestants who are not on the ski squad.

Every man who wishes to compete should sign his name as soon as possible on the entry list posted at Leavitt & Peirce's. Final instructions will be given to all contestants at Glen House where they will gather at 9 o'clock on the morning of the race.

Towns with suitable conditions for skiing are Hanover with 30 inches, Gorham with 25, Warren with 43, and Franconia and Chocorua with 23 each.

A large group will make the Wapack Trail trip this weekend according to the Peterborugh Recreation Club, who report that conditions are nearly perfect on Temple and the Pack Mountains.
