
"Vallee is a Swell Fellow Despite Trouble in Paradise," Says Jovial Radio City Doorman

Pat Campbell Prefers To Open Door For Harvard Men Who Display More Manners

"Yale is a good college. Rudy Vallee went there, you know. And he is sure a swell fellow, even though he does have trouble with his wives." So says Pat Campbell (pronounced Camel), doorman of the British Empire Building at New York's Radio City. "I like Princeton too; who was it that went there? Oh yes, Woodrow Wilson.

"Harvard, that's a rich man's school all right. But lots of good men come out of it. I would rather open a door to a Harvard man than anyone else. He always helps you.

"I've been in the doorkeeping business most of my life," Campbell continued in his broad Irish brogue. "I tried clerical work for a while, but I didn't have the brains. I've worked at a lot of the hotels in New York: the Ambassador, Pierre's, the Mayfair. But where I made the most money was at Rudy Vallee's Night Club. I could make $80 a week there tips you know. And my, the people who used to go there! I used to have to put them in taxis myself most of the time. Of course I don't make half the money here, but I am in the sun, and I don't get all the colds I used to get at night work!

"I saw a funny thing yesterday. You know the taxis have been having some fun. Well, two of them were out here waiting. The second one thought he could gyp in ahead of the first; so he cut in. The other backed up to let him get to the curb. They were both next to the curb when the one in back got up full steam and crashed into the other. This one backed right back at him and this process went on until finally both got out and started using their fists. In the meantime three other taxis had received leads and two more still had cruised up to the stand."
