
The Crimson Playgoer

"All Quiet On the Western Front" Strong Propaganda and good Drama

Until the day of universal peace on earth good will toward men return engagements of that most excellent film "All Quiet on the Western Front" will be apropos and decidedly timely. Without overstating the power of the screen it is safe to say that a viewing of this picture cannot fail to inspire a decided conviction that no matter what the issue, settlement by war is not worth the price. "All Quiet on the Western Front", is more than good peace propaganda, it is very good screen drama. It is stronger and more effective than recent anti-war-films because it is not merely a collection of stark scenes of murder and brutality, it is personalized, it brings the thing home and emphasizes the nearness of international slaughter to all of us, makes us feel that was is an imminent possibility for everybody and makes us strongly determined to avoid it in any way. At a time when the air is full of Martian rumblings it is particularly valuable.

though it does not, of course, settle any immediate problem, it certainly does point out with macabre strength that more than humble defeatism is necessary it we are to avoid a repetition of a nightmare still vivid to the entire world. Although these may be obvious points they certainly cannot be over-emphasized and the dramatic interest of the film make it one which should be seen by everybody at periodic intervals.
