
Liberal Club, NSL to Sponsor Addresses by Johns, Gordon

Author and Negro Journalist to Speak at Brooks House

The Scottsboro and Angelo Herdon cases are the principal subjects of speeches which Eugene Gordon, prominent Negro journalist, and Orrick Johns, poet and writer, will deliver Friday, December 7, at 8 o'clock in Phillips Brooks House under the joint auspices of the Liberal Club and the National Student League.

Orrick Johns, who is the author of two books, "Asphalt," and "The Wild Plum," is an active member and representative of the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners.

Eugene Gordon, a Negro journalist, is on the editorial staff of the Boston Post. Besides his association with the League of Struggle for Negro Rights, he is a veteran of the World War. He has frequently written and spoken on the Scottsboro and other cases in which Negroes have experienced prejudice against their class.
