With a considerable number of men from the defunct Junior Varsity, in addition to the regular enthusiasts, expected to report. House basketball holds its first turnout of the season at 4 o'clock this afternoon under the eye of Coach Joseph M. Hill 2L, a graduate of Colgate.
Although no definite schedule has been formed as yet, the plan, which Adolph W. Samborski '26, instructor in Physical Education, in charge of House Athletics, has announced, calls for two half-seasons of 28 games each, the winners in which will meet in a series for the championship on March 9. This victorious House team will tangle with a corresponding Yale College quintet.
Play in the first half-season will be gin with two games on the House court on Monday, while before Christmas each team in the league is expected to have played four times. If there is enough general interest shown a B league of second teams may also be formed.
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