
School Wrestling Meet to Be Held Here February 23

Questionnaires Meet Favor in Six of New England Schools

Taking the lead in New England Wrestling, Harvard will sponsor a New England Interscholastic Wrestling Meet to be held about February 23 and will advance the date of the University Wrestling Meet from March to late February.

Questionnaires regarding the Interscholastic Wrestling Meet were sent out to the leading private schools by Jonathan S. England '35, manager of the wrestling team. Exeter, Andover, Milton, Choate, Taft, and Browne & Nichols, all of which have teams, accepted providing a satisfactory date could be found. This year individuals rather than teams will be the champions, but on the whole the meet will be run along the lines of the Interscholastic Track Meet, and in the future if interest warrants it, there may be contests between the public schools in Class B and C as in the track meets.

Because of the advancement of the date of the University Championship Meet, it will be possible for more men to enter the contests, thus furnishing a fairer basis for choosing the winners.


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