With Alden Ponter's orchestra furnishing the music, the Harvard Winter informal Dance, open to all members of the University, will be held in the Union tomorrow night from 8.30 to 12 o'clock under the auspices of the Commuter Committee. The proceeds will be used for a new commuter building or for a commuter organization.
Invitations have been sent to President and Mrs. Conant, Dean and Mrs. Hanford, Dean and Mrs. Leighton, Assistant Dean and Mrs. Cary, and Professor and Mrs. Coolidge.
The dance committee, headed by Joseph D. Golden '37, includes the following men: Eliot D. Canter '35, John J.P. Campana '36, Joseph J. Gianino 4ES, Harold I. Rubenstein '37, and Sigmund Werner '36.
The prices for admission will be $1.00 per couple and $1.25 at the door.
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