
B.U. Freshmen Deteat 1938 Hoopsters in Close Contest

Unbeaten Crimson Team Succumbs By 39 to 31 Score

Throwing the ball through the hoop from every angle and position on the floor the Boston University Freshmen defeated the Crimson yearling basketeers, unbeaten in three previous starts, by a 39-31 score, on the B.U. court yesterday afternoon.

Only the close guarding and work under the Harvard backboard of John L. Dampeer and Arnold S. Litman kept the Terrier forwards from gaining more than 39 points. The summary: B.U. 1938  HARVARD 1938 Lawry, l.f.  r.f., Shirk, Carlson Sternburg, Noysie, Bryant, r.f.  l.f., McGowan, Snell, Litman Hendricks, Blanch, c.  c., Lee Yancey, Hoyt, Serafini, Mills, Hudson, r.g.  r.g., Litman, Lowman Taylor, Yancey, r.g.  l.g., Dampeer, McGowan

Score Boston University 39, Harvard 31. Goals--Sternburg 6, Lawry 5, Hendricks 4, Lee 4, Shirk 3, Dampeer 2, Litman 2, Lowman 2, Hoyt, Lowman, McGowan. Fouls--Lawry 2, Litman 2, Dampeer, Hendricks, Lee, Shirk. Referee--Back. TimeKeeper Abel. Time four 10-minute periods.
