
Arthur S. Pier, Jr. Is Elected '35 Permanent Class Secretary

Largest Number of Votes Polled By Candidate for Permanent Class Committee

Arthur Stanwood Pier, Jr., of Concord, New Hampshire, has been chosen Permanent Secretary of the Class of 1935 in the second Senior Class Elections, held during the last two days.

Pier, who is a member of the cross country and track teams, has been prominent in College as well as House activities. He is a member of the Student Council, the Advisory Committee of Phillips Brooks House, and the Leverett House Committee.

In his Sophomore year he was secretary-treasurer of his class, an office since abolished with other upper-class posts, and during his Freshman year he was captain of the cross country team. His best showing on the track team has been made in the two-mile run where he has scored notable success.

His duties will consist chiefly of preparing the class reports and of keeping in touch with members of his Class. The Permanent Class Committee is designed to assist him.

The five men elected to the Album Committee have charge of preparing the only complete written college record of their class. They are Charles King Howard, football manager in his Freshman year; William Keblinger Wyant, editor of the CRIMSON, Robert Lincoln Cummings, Jr., and William Henry Lewis, Jr., editors of the Lampoon; and Hugh Mason Wade, retiring president of the Advocate.
