

Both Teams Will Open Against M.I.T. On Saturday-Lamar and Gallagher Are Optimistic

Members of the Varsity boxing and wrestling teams who will open the season against M.I.T. on Saturday were chosen yesterday as the result of elimination tryouts.

Although co-captain Peter Ward '86 is the only boxing veteran returning. Coach Henry Lamar is optimistic because of the fine spirit and punch displayed in the eliminations. Coach Cliff Gallagher thinks the wrestling prospects are favorable since the Sophomores filling in the ranks look promising.

The boxing team is composed of the following: 115-pound class, Stuart Finer '36: 125-pound class. James L. Kunen '36: 185-pound class. Peter Ward '36: 145-pound class, Edgar S. Davis '37; 155-pound class. Peter B. Olney '37; 165-pound class. Timothy J. Shea, Jr. '36; 175-pound class, Gordon F. Robertson '36; unlimited, Thomas R. Choate '37.

Those who will wrestle on Saturday are: 118-pound class, Edward J. Petrenik '37; 126-pound class. Howland B. Stoddard '36; 135-pound class, Donald V. McGranahan '35; 145-pound class, William B. Cavin, Jr. '37; 155-pound class, Gerard J. Piel '37; 165-pound class, Donald H. Armstrong, Jr. '37; 175-pound class. Richard W. Emory '35; unlimited, Albert Araneon '36
