
"Une Etoile Disparait" to Be Shown Today and Tomorrow

"Milady" of "Trois Mousquetaires" To Play Leading Role

Under the auspices of the French Talking Films Committee "Une Etoile Disparait," a modern mystery drama by Marcel Achard, flashes across the screen of the Institute of Geographical Exploration this afternoon and tomorrow.

The plot of the film, produced at the Paramount Studios in Paris, deals with the poisoning of a prominent actress, the suspicion cast an her young lover, the proof of his innocence, and the apprehension of the real criminal.

In the leading role of the murdered woman, Edith Mera will be remembered for her performance as Milady in the "Trois Monsquetaires" which was seen here last year, while Constant Remi plays the part of Santerre, a suspect.

There will be four showings of the film, at 1.40, 4, 6.30, and 8.50 o'clock.
