

Announcement Follows Abandonment Of All But Two J.V. Teams--Fesler Reports Larger Varsity Turnout

Following a move which was made last May by the officials of the Athletic Association to abolish all but two Junior Varsity teams this year, it was announced yesterday by Wes Fesler, basketball coach, that there would be no Junior Varsity basketball squad this year.

The climination of the Junior Varsity team was found necessary because of the reduced budget of the H.A.A., and because of the difficulty of arranging a satisfactory schedule. The action of Yale and many other colleges in making all Junior Varsity teams informal was mainly responsible for the schedule difficulties. A third reason for discontinuing the Jayvees is the limited playing space offered in the Indoor Athletic Building.

Coach Fesler has arranged to maintain a much larger Varsity squad this season to take care of the men who would ordinarily have played on the Junior Varsity. Those who are cut from the Varsity will be told to report to the House basketball teams.

Several games which have been scheduled for a Junior Varsity team will be played by men who are not ordinarily in the starting lineup on the Varsity.

The only other Junior Varsity squad in any sport this year will be the Jayvee crew. There was a Junior Varsity football squad this fall, but this team played very few outside games, and was mainly used to give practice to the Varsity eleven.
