

Eliot Plaque Received by Jerome D. Greene, Secretary of the Harvard Corporation

Distribution of a free booklet, entitled "The History and Traditions of Harvard University" to the Freshman Class, was the major announcement of the officers of the Harvard Memorial Society, at the first annual dinner held last night in the Adams House upper common room. This booklet has been compiled by the members of the Society and will be published by the CRIMSON. It will be given to the Class of 1938 at a meeting to be held in the Union, Friday, November 16, at which Professor Samuel E. Morison '08, last night's toastmaster, will speak.

Interesting speeches concerning Harvard history by Roger B. Merriman '96, Gurney Professor of History and Political Science, and Joseph H. Beale '82, Royall Professor of Law, were given last night. The long awaited formal presentation of the Eliot plaque by the Society to the University, was one of the features of last night's gathering. With cameras from the New York Times clicking. Herbert M. Irwin '37, President of the Society, presented the memorial to Jerome D. Greene '96, Secretary of the Corporation, one of the guests of honor.
