
"Hundred and Fifties" To Be Revived at Meeting Today

Ardent Featherweight Gridsters Are Independent of H.A.A.

After a two year absence from the ranks of College sports, 150 pound football will make its reappearance this season if a sufficient number of men show up for a preliminary meeting scheduled for 5.30 o'clock this afternoon in the Lowell House Common Room.

An attempt to revive the light-weight sport is being made by a group of un- degraduates who have secured official sanction from William J. Bingham '16, head of the H.A.A. The services of Robert M. Bilder 2L, quarter back at Williams in 1932, have been obtained as coach.

Everything depends on the number of men who report today. If enough to form two full teams are on hand this afternoon, then the enthusiasts who are backing the revival think they can arrange a regular schedule which will include games with Yale and Princeton.

Two years ago 150 pound football was abandoned because of the expense involved in taking the team on the trips required by a full schedule. If this rejuvenation succeeds, the players will have to provide their own transportation, presumably by automobile, to New Haven and Princeton, but the H.A.A. will furnish the equipment needed
