

Nov. 7, 1884

Vassar College has graduated altogether 596 students. Of this number 188 have married, or only one in three.

Princeton defeated Lafayette College at football on Wednesday by a score of 140 to 0. This is the largest score on record.

Last week there was a grand missionary conference at Princeton, which aroused a great deal of interest among the students as well as outsiders. Fifty men offered themselves as workers in foreign missionary fields.

The "Yale Courant," in defending Yale against the attacks of the "Nassau Misc" which finds fault with the excessive sandiness of the Yale football game, delivers itself of the following: "Sand is no doubt disagreeable to certain individuals, but it is entirely preferable to the concoction of mud, cowardice, and sour grapes which the organs of Princeton, Harvard and their New York satellites make a point of aiming at Yale after every Thanksgiving game."
