Low Brown is accustomed to produce successful musicals and his current effort, "Calling All Stars," now at the Shubert, is no exception to the rule. It is a colorful, fast moving, and highly amusing revue which has been pleasing large audiences since its arrival in town last week. A bit rough at the start, the show has been improved by careful cutting and is now a finished revue with lots to offer to those who are addicted to this hilarious sort of entertainment. As its title would suggest, the show is predicated upon the assumption that lots of varied talent can be welded into pleasing entertainment. Lou Holtz and Phil Baker are well known comedians and with the exception of a very few dull moments are genuinely amusing throughout. Judy Canova and her family of hillbillies provide the high spot of the show's comedy efforts with an amusing skit and a very funny song which brought them long and loud applause. The deep voice of Gertrude Niessen is well known to radio listeners, but her exceedingly attractive person should, we hope, keep her occupied in a more visual form of work. Miss Patricia Bowman dances very prettily and by way of contrast, Mitzi Mayfair contributes a good bit of syncopated stepping with the aid of Jack Whiting, to whom the ballads of the show are entrusted. Everett Marshall's excellent baritone deserved better means of expression than the usual tear-jerker about the down-and-outer who stresses the point that his dejected head once was encased in an Uncle Sam tin hat and won't somebody please give him a bit of coin. The chorus is quite handsome and gyrates with sufficient abandon. The costumes and sets are striking. It's all good fun, and not too clean.
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