
Well, Well


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld.)

To The Editor of the CRIMSON:

I was most interested to see in your columns last week news of another refusal of the Corporation to accept a scholarship for German study. The University could only be consistent with its previous stand in its decision not to accept a grant on the terms under which this was offered. But I noticed with extreme interest your story, which said that Dr. Mellon was to proffer his money again, this time without any strings attached, merely as from one American citizen who was interested in seeing a Harvard graduate secure a year's study in Germany.

It has occurred to me that this will present the Corporation with a most interesting problem. They said through their Secretary, whom I noticed Dr. Mellon amusingly called "one Jerome Green," that they are not at all averse to have Harvard students study in Germany. Now if they turn down Mr. Mellon's second offer with no strings, as they probably will, no matter in what spirit it is given, will it not look as though Harvard did not want German study for their graduates? But if they accept it won't the Hitler government through its demagogic press agent say that the Corporation has changed their stand and now will take a scholarship which a short time before was offered in the spirit of that which Herr Hanfstaengl made his gift? (Name withheld by request.)
