"All records for letters formed at one game will be smashed by the Harvard Band next Saturday," promises Guy V. Slade, '32, drill master of the organization.
In addition to breaking the record for total number of letters at any one game, the records for letters formed before the game, and for those formed between the halves will also fall. The performance will include many special features in music and in drill.
Included in this performance will be the "10,000" formation which consists of changing from five "H's" to the figures "10,000" on the first note of "Ten Thousand Men of Harvard" and the forming of the word "Elihu". This will be the first time any band has over spelled Yale's first name in full. The "10,000" formation will be made before the game as an inspiration to the team. The large marching "H" will also be a prominent feature.
Wintergreen Finale
In response to the many requests received. "Wintergreen" will be played for the last time this season. Before the game if time permits, a medley of Yale tunes will be played.
Harvard's band, 83 strong, will be carried to New Haven by a special train which will leave Cambridge at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Changing to their uniforms on the train, the members will be transferred at the New Haven station to special busses which will take them straight to the Yale Bowl. There will be no restrictions to keep members from going on to New York to spend the rest of the week-end.
Annual Dinner
The organization will hold its annual dinner soon after the game, probably on Monday, December 3, at which time it will disband until the hockey season opens. At the banquet, all those members who have shown good work and interest throughout the season will be taken in to the Harvard University Band Club, an organization within the band, and they will be presented with Band Club pins.
When the hockey season begins, the competition for Freshman band manager will be held, the winner of which will automatically become secretary in his sophomore year, treasurer in his Junior year, and manager, with a small salary, in his Senior year.
The present holders of these offices are: Malcolm Seymour, '35, manager; Raymond C. Collins, '36, treasurer; and Herbert M. Irwin, '37, secretary. Other band officers are Guy V. Slade, '32, drill master; Franklin Leroy Anderson, '29, musical director; and William B. Tabler, '36, drum major.
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