

Gallagher Expects 125 Men to Report For Practices Next Week--Schedule Includes Eight Meets

More than 125 men are expected to curn out for wrestling when regular practice begins early next week under Coach Clifford Gallagher.

Returning lettermen include Captain Richard W. Emory '35, Howland BN. Stedard '36, Donald V. McGranhan '35, Edward T. Farley '36, and Robert D. Read '36.

Among these expected to come out are these members, of last year's Junior Varsity and Freshman teams: Albert Aaronson '36 John L. Angel '36, Edward F. Sullivan '36, W. Brooks Cavin '37, John A. O'Keefe '37, Lorrin E. Woodman '37, Donald H. Armstrong '37, and George F. Fox '37. The Freshman wrestling team will be particularly strong this year.

On the team's schedule are the following, meets: December 16, M. I. T.; January 12, Brown at Providence; January 16, Tufts at Medford; February 11, Chicago; February 16, Princeton; February 22, Pennsylvania at Philadelphia; February 23, Navy at Annapolis; March 2, Yale at New Haven; March 8 and 9, Now England Intercollegiates at Brown or M. I. T.; March 15 and 16, Eastern intercollegiate at Philadelphia.
