

Last year an announcement issued from University Hall stating that attendance records for upperclassmen would be discontinued, as would the return of grades at November and April. At that time it was stated that this plan had been adopted in accordance with the more modern concepts of education which were being introduced to Harvard. Such concepts were born of the idea that students of upperclass maturity no longer needed minor checkups to see that they did their work.

Such was the attitude of University Hall and it was believed that instructors would follow this idea. Recently, however, it has become increasingly evident that such cooperation has been lacking from many of them. Hour examinations are still being given in a large number of courses, and in some there are as many as two or three in a term. Whatever the feeling of the men who give the tests, it may easily be construed as contrary to the minds of the men who were responsible for the introduction of the new plan. The return of hour grades necessitated, obviously, some sort of test to secure a mark; when the new rule eliminated hour grades it seemed also to indicate that examinations at that time would constitute a relic of the older system.

If educational principles are to continue to advance along the lines already plotted at Harvard cooperation in all branches of the University must be secured. The rules of the University must be secured. The rules of the University have been altered with an eye to these modern ideas, to carry out the full meaning of these changes must be the work of the faculty who in their courses should co-operate with these alterations and eliminate the necessity of annoying mid-term checkups.
