
Varsity Bosters Down M.I.T. 7-0 in Smoothly Played Game

Freshmen Players Bow to Dartmout in 2-1 Defeat on Same Day

With the sure-shooting left side of its forward line scoring almost at random during the first, third, and fourth periods, the Varsity soccer team defeated M.I.T. 7-0, on the Business School Field Saturday afternoon.

Paced by Captain Fred Stork, Mel Graver, and Jim Wood, the Crimson attack, showing a return to its early season scoring punch, functioned smoothly, while the defense, headed by John Dorman, centre halfback, readily stopped the few Tech threats.

At Princeton, meanwhile, the Bulldog, whose precincts Harvard invades on Friday, battled the Tiger booters, Crimson conquerors, to a 1-1 tie.

The lineups: HARVARD  M.I.T. England, g.  g., Gray Holcombe, rfb.  rfb., Forsburg (Capt.) Robinson, lfb.  lfb., Hamiltos Roosevelt, rhb.  rhb., Dreselly Dorman, chb.  chb., Alles Vincent, lhb.  lhb., Essley Manheimer, rof.  rof., Cheng Clos, rif.  rif., Waxmas Grover, cf.  cf., Kron Stork (Capt.), lif.  lif., Winiarski Wood; lof.  lof., Blantos

Goals: Stork 3, Grover 3, Wood. Time: Four 22-minute periods.


Simultaneous to the Varsity victory, the Crimson Freshmen soccer team sustained a 2-1 defeated at the hands of the Dartmouth yearlings. George Smith, outside left forward, scored for Harvard.
