
Yale and Princeton Harriers Arrive Today for H-Y-P Run

Records Expected to Fall as Winning Teams Compete

Harriers from Princeton and Yale arrive here this afternoon for the annual Triangular Meet, to be held tomorrow on the new 5.4 mile course along the Charles. The present record of 28 minutes and 29 seconds, established in the New Hampshire race by Robert S. Playfair '36, seems doomed to fall before the onslaught of the three teams.

Last year Harvard defeated Princeton but lost to Yale. This year both Harvard and Yale have teams as strong as they have had at any time in their histories. Harvard won its last meet with a perfect score; and Yale, in beating Cornell last Saturday, sent two men over the line within seven seconds of breaking the record. Princeton also, though lacking the balance which characterized Bonthron's team of last year, has two capable performers who look like good bets to lead the pack at the finish.
