

Bacon Draws Attention to Curley's Refusal to Mention Past Record in Campaigning

Speaking before an audience that packed Rindge Hall, Gaspar G. Bacon'08, Republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts, pointed to his record as an indication of what may be expected of him. He charged James M. Curley with a significant refusal to refer to his own record. Mr. Bacon pointed out that of over thirteen hundred measures on which he acted during his many years as State Senator, Curley was able to criticize only eight. Several of these eight measures, Mr. Bacon said, he had not voted on at all.

Mr. Bacon decried the allegation that if he is elected, all ERA money will cease coming to Massachusetts. He promised, on the contrary, that he could get from Washington everything Curley could, and said he had "a sneaking suspicion he could do more than Curley." He claimed that Curley's alleged nefarious practices to date are only an "ante in the pot before the game begins," Moreover, Mr. Bacon pledged his word that one hundred cents in every dollar received from Washington will be properly assigned.

In conclusion, Mr. Bacon said that he would do everything in his power in the remaining days of the campaign, to prevent the State House from being disgraced by the presence of Curley. He claimed that Curley's star is on the down-grade, and his own in the ascendancy, that sentiment has changed in the past week.

Several members of the University aided the Practical Politics Committee by ushering at the meeting, which was previously designed as a Harvard-Radcliffe rally. Lincoln Bryant 2G, Robert L. Clifford 2G, and Oliver H. Straus '36 drove cars in the parade around Cambridge which preceded the rally.
