Mayor Curley's chances among the Faculty improved from the short side of 20-1 to the same part of an 18-1 ratio in the latest returns from the CRIMSON'S Faculty poll, while the professors' opinions on the policies on the Roosevelt Administration remained unfavorable to the tune of 3-1.
Previously the instructors had voted for Gaspar G. Bacon '08 for governor by the overwhelming majority of 20-1, but when the mails closed yesterday and 125 additional, ballots had been received, the totals stood 301 for Bacon, 17 for Curley, and 8 for Goodwin.
New Deal Unchanged
It was noticeable, however, that there was practically no change in the decision on the New Deal. The ratio for and against remained almost the same as in the earlier returns, and of the eight persons who cast their ballots for Mayor Curley, seven favored, one opposed Pres- Comparative figures of the vote on the Roosevelt question in correlation with the vote for the three candidates. ident Roosevelt's Administration. As in the previous group of ballots a number of the voters declared themselves unfit or incapable of deciding on the Now Deal question, which read "Do you feel that the policies of the Roosevelt administration offer a satisfactory method of Recovery?" On the governorship fight most were able to decide
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When Badder is Better