

Tommy Bilodeau and Johnny Adzigian Tried Out at Quarterback, Gibbs at Left Halfback

With all but two members of his squad eligible for action on Saturday against Princeton, Coach Eddie Casey yesterday began shifting his men to see if some of them that aren't needed in their present jobs can't be used elsewhere.

Thus Tommy Bilodeau and Johnny Adzigian appeared at quarterback, Braman Gibbs at left half, and Bill Lane at left guard. All of these men have played their new positions before, either on Freshman or previous Varsity teams, but have been used is some other department this season.

Bliodeau At Quarter

Bilodeau's taking over the quarter back assignment was probably the most important of these switches though there is absolutely no indication that Bob Haley isn't still the ranking "A" quarter. Bilodeau has been holding down the right halfback beril lately, but with the changes incident to the return of Freddy Moseley, and the rise of George Hedblom and Bill Watt, there is going to be a surplus of right half men by the time the Tigers hit town.

As for the other changes, one of the more interesting is to see Gibbie trying halfback again. There are those who are convinced that Gibbie's mission in life is as a half rather than full. There's not much doubt that be is one of the prettiest runners Harvard has when if comes to sweeping around end.


The only two men who are out of the Princeton fracas are Frank Little field and Charlie Kessler. The latter has been suffering from injuries all season and has now retired for the year in order to have an operation performed on his knee
