

Robert Bushnell To Be Chief Speaker At Monster Rally in Cantabridgia Club on Thursday

The first official meeting of the Harvard Independent Club, endorsers of the candidacy of Lt. Governor Gaspar G. Bacon for Governor and John W. Haigis for Lt. Governor will take place tonight at 8 o'clock at the Cantabridgia Club, located at the corner of Boylston and Mt. Auburn Streets, near Harvard Square. At this gathering officers will be elected.

The club is designed to provide an effective outlet for the political effort and personal influence of students who are not ordinarily active in politics but who, through this club, can assist in assuring to their native Commonwealth the Constitutional guaranties of individual freedom, personal security, the right of free contract and broadminded executives, intent on true public service.

The club will sponsor a monster rally in the interest of Boston and Haigis at Cantabridgian Hall Thursday night at 8 o'clock. At this rally the chief speaker will be Robert T. Bushnell, former District Attorney of Middlesex County, one of the foremost orators in the Commonwealth. Other speakers will be Judge Frankland W. L. Miles of the Roxbury Court and Professor Arthur L. Brown of the Boston University Law School.

The meeting tonight, for the election of officers is open to any student, graduate or undergraduate of Harvard University.
