

New Hits to be Introduced by Boston Commanders; Hall to be Decorated By Lighting Effects

Adams House will strike up the band with the introduction of two new song hits, if everything goes as planned for their Princeton game celebration next Saturday. McCarthy's Boston Commanders will descend on the Gold-Coasters with musical and vocal talent sufficient to satisfy the most scrutinous of epicures. A violin soloist from the Camel Quarter Hour will wield the bow, while Billy Freestone, from the National Broadcasting Artists, and John Truman, will do the vocal artistry. Efforts are being made to secure "Annie's Cousin Fanny," a new hit which has been tremendously popular in the few places where it has been heard. Truman will sing for the first time "Don't Pretend," of his own composition.

Departing from the custom of leaving the hall in its everyday appearance, the committee has made plans for its decoration, mainly by the use of ingenious lighting.

The Ball, open to all men, will last from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock and subscriptions are $2 a couple and $1 stag. Ushers and patrons will be announced later.
