

12 Members From Class of '38 Selected To Serve Through Year in Advisory Capacity

After consultation between the Secretary of the Harvard Union and the proctors of the Freshman halls, the Union Committee of the class of 1938 was chosen yesterday. Twelve Freshmen are on the list, seven of them from Eastern prep schools, three from western high schools, one from the South, and one from Boston Latin School. A meeting will be held on Friday, October 26 to discuss plans for a possible Army game tea dance at the Union. Last year's tea dance at the time of the cadet invasion turned out very successfully. Afterwards the yearlings were given the privilege of entertaining their female guests at supper.

Those on the committee for this year, with their schools, home addresses, and college addresses, are as follows:

Allen, C. Russell, Exeter, Greenfield, Mass., Thayer 21, Ashmore, Charles DeL. Boys High, Atlanta, Ga., Weld 18. Bennett, Josiah W., Belmont Hill, Cambridge, Matthews 32. Brayton, Sherman, Andover, Fall River, Matthews 53. Dampeer, John L., Cleveland Heights High, Cleveland, O., Straus C-42. Gardiner, John, Groton, Gardiner, Me., Mower B-32. Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., Choate, Bronxville, N. Y., Stonghton 20. Ludden, Mouree, West High, Madison, Wisc., Thayer 10. Nesmith, John, St. Paul's Cambridge, Wiggle, G*22. Oakes, Arthur, Oak Park H. S., Oak Park, III., Thayer 14. Stickney, Albert, Jr., Kent, New York City, Weld 3. Sullivan, Robert, Boston Latin, Boston, Matthews 49.
