

All But Six of Graduating Class Now Holding Down Jobs--Many Offered Several Positions

Maintaining its excellent reputation for success in placing its students in positions, the Graduate School of Education last year found work in the field of education for 94 out of the 100 who received the master degree, according to a statement by Fred C. Smith, Registrar of the Graduate School of Education. Of the 6 graduates it did not place, 4 are employed in other types of work, while 2 have returned for further study. Of all the students who applied for positions through the placement bureau 87 per cent received positions. The national average for such placement is about 57 per cent. This is 30 per cent better than the average.

Salaries High

The salaries which the men will get range from $1200 to $4000, and the average amount is close to the average for last year, which was, $2371. The requests for teachers this year numbered 244, but the qualifications of 76 of these were of such a nature that none of the Harvard applicants were able to fill the positions. Several of the applicants were so trained that they could choose from a number of offers.

More students than usual were placed as instructors in public schools, colleges, and normal schools, and as principals of schools. Forty-five per cent were placed in New England, 22 per cent in New Jersey and New York, 15 per cent in the Middle West, 10 per cent in the Far West, and 8 per cent in the south. Last year 60 per cent found jobs in New England and 20 per cent went to the Midwest.

Change in Method


One important change in the method of placement has taken place in the last three or four years, according to Mr. Smith. Whereas formerly most positions were filled in June, now the greater part of the hiring is done in July and August. Requests for teachers, which used to come early in the spring have recently been arriving in May and June.

Large Enrollment

This fall the school has 208 part time and full time students, 126 men and 82 women, as compared with an equal number of both last year. Mr. Smith, the School's Registrar, reports that the depression has put a premium on good training, and that those who face the future by training now will find it greatly to their advantage.
