

The claim put forth by administration supporters that the opposition party has nothing to offer place of the New Deal policies is admittedly true. To go further left is hardly possible, the stolid attitude of the twenties is thoroughly discredited, and the present administration has stolen most of the thunder of the reform and regulation advocates. Administration extravagance, despite the clamor raised about it, is a poor basis for a platform under present conditions.

The one hope of the Republicans is a new standard bearer a new champion to rally the forces and to bring in recruits to swell the faltering ranks. Policies and plans are poor election material and platforms usually go unread the electorate lacks at the man. A leader is needed who can command the confidence of big business, but whose social outlook embraces the problems of the common man a colorful figure a force in the public mind. He must be a man who can draw the contributions of the rich to the campaign chest, and the votes of the poor man to the ballot box.

The old leaders are discredited. Those whom we thought giants were merely inflated pigmies. A new man, who was not party to their disguised, is needed.
